Penelope is a sweet girl. friendly, and loves to roll over for belly rubs. Penelope is a 12 lb mixed breed pup. From what we know, she was found in a field with some puppies and is about 3 years old. We think this contributed to her initial wariness of going out into the yard. She's currently fostered with a 16 lb dog - they like wrestling and chasing each other in the yard.
Penelope is a lover. She loves spending time with people and will happily follow them from room to room to keep an eye on them. She does have some separation anxiety in her crate. She much prefers to be able to follow her people. If left out of her crate, Penelope loves to curl up on a lap or sleep in a snuggly dog bed. Penelope's tail is almost always wagging if someone's giving her attention, she's a happy girl!
Penelope also loves food and is an enthusiastic food hunter. This means that she has a tendency to focus on food available to her, which is great for training and encouraging her to try new situations! She has shown resource guarding (food and toys) with her foster sister, so she would need to go to a family who is willing and able to make accommodations to help her feel comfortable with her resources.
Penelope has a bit of a prey drive and loves to chase squirrels and birds in the yard. As she's been getting more comfortable in her foster home, she's started chasing after a ball and playing with toys.
Around the house, Penelope has shown a lot of confidence with unexpected sounds and changing environments. She's reacted well to a running vacuum and items falling near her. Penelope will happily be lured into a harness with treats and is learning to walk in straighter lines on walks, so the people don't keep getting tangled. She has patiently endured harness adjustments and has shown no fear toward buckles, Velcro sounds, or humans reaching over her head.
Penelope is currently being house trained and has started showing subtle cues to help her fosters recognize when she needs to go out to potty.
Due to shelter in place mandates, we haven't had the opportunity to temperament test Penelope with bigger dogs, cats, or children
Penelope is up to date on vaccinations and microchipped. Please fill out an application and a volunteer will be in touch soon.
- Female
- Chi-terrier mix
- 3 years old
- 12 lbs
Penelope is a sweet girl. friendly, and loves to roll over for belly rubs. Penelope is a 12 lb mixed breed pup. From what we know, she was found in a field with some puppies and is about 3 years old. We think this contributed to her initial wariness of going out into the yard. She's currently fostered with a 16 lb dog - they like wrestling and chasing each other in the yard.
Penelope is a lover. She loves spending time with people and will happily follow them from room to room to keep an eye on them. She does have some separation anxiety in her crate. She much prefers to be able to follow her people. If left out of her crate, Penelope loves to curl up on a lap or sleep in a snuggly dog bed. Penelope's tail is almost always wagging if someone's giving her attention, she's a happy girl!
Penelope also loves food and is an enthusiastic food hunter. This means that she has a tendency to focus on food available to her, which is great for training and encouraging her to try new situations! She has shown resource guarding (food and toys) with her foster sister, so she would need to go to a family who is willing and able to make accommodations to help her feel comfortable with her resources.
Penelope has a bit of a prey drive and loves to chase squirrels and birds in the yard. As she's been getting more comfortable in her foster home, she's started chasing after a ball and playing with toys.
Around the house, Penelope has shown a lot of confidence with unexpected sounds and changing environments. She's reacted well to a running vacuum and items falling near her. Penelope will happily be lured into a harness with treats and is learning to walk in straighter lines on walks, so the people don't keep getting tangled. She has patiently endured harness adjustments and has shown no fear toward buckles, Velcro sounds, or humans reaching over her head.
Penelope is currently being house trained and has started showing subtle cues to help her fosters recognize when she needs to go out to potty.
Due to shelter in place mandates, we haven't had the opportunity to temperament test Penelope with bigger dogs, cats, or children
Penelope is up to date on vaccinations and microchipped. Please fill out an application and a volunteer will be in touch soon.