Knox is a 2 year old tri-colored dachshund/chihuahua mix ready to find his forever home.
He is a total sweetheart of a pup. He attaches very quickly to his person and follows them everywhere. He looks at you with his puppy eyes and will sit on your lap. He is an excellent cuddler and always on the look for love. Knox can be shy around strangers, but he is very friendly toward visiting friends once he has a chance to see they are not a threat. He is quickly learning to walk well on a leash. He gets along well with other dogs and shows no aggression towards them. As he's a young dog, Knox would love to find a home that could work with him on training and skills - he'll be loyal to his new family in exchange for guidance and love.
Knox is neutered, up to date on vaccinations, and micro-chipped. Fill out an application today to find out more about Knox and a volunteer will be in touch shortly.
He is a total sweetheart of a pup. He attaches very quickly to his person and follows them everywhere. He looks at you with his puppy eyes and will sit on your lap. He is an excellent cuddler and always on the look for love. Knox can be shy around strangers, but he is very friendly toward visiting friends once he has a chance to see they are not a threat. He is quickly learning to walk well on a leash. He gets along well with other dogs and shows no aggression towards them. As he's a young dog, Knox would love to find a home that could work with him on training and skills - he'll be loyal to his new family in exchange for guidance and love.
Knox is neutered, up to date on vaccinations, and micro-chipped. Fill out an application today to find out more about Knox and a volunteer will be in touch shortly.