fiona- ADOPTED
Fiona is a 1.5 year old chi terrier mix, born on April 30, 2018. She weighs about 20 lbs. Her mom Allspice and 6 siblings were originally rescued in 2018 by Rescue the Underdog. Mom and pups were adopted out, but Fiona was recently returned due to a change in her adopter's circumstances.
Fiona is very sweet and friendly with people. She is good with kids and other dogs. She walks nicely on a leash and is house-trained. She loves to be outside but is an escape artist. She likes to climb, is lean and can jump. Her potential foster or adopter will need to be especially vigilant of this. Fiona would do best in a home with one or more other dogs. She grew up in an environment with dogs, cats, a toddler, even bunnies! Fiona is spayed, up to date on vaccinations, and microchipped. Fill out an application to meet this sweet girl today! |