Meet Butterbean!
He is a 4 year old Chihuahua mix who weighs 10 lbs. He was found as a stray in San Jose, brought to the shelter, and was at risk of euthanasia due to overcrowding. Fortunately, Rescue the Underdog was able to step in and save him. Butterbean has really blossomed since leaving the shelter environment. He is sweet, playful, and loving. He is a love bug who wants to be on your lap and snuggle up next to you. He loves to cuddle, play fetch (his favorite game, which he could play all day), and go on walks or just lay around and sleep in his dog bed. He gets along with other dogs and cats. And actually LOVES to play with other little dogs! He also loves to go for rides in the car. Best of all, he is house trained, uses a dog door on his own and sleeps all night long in his crate. We think Butterbean would do well in a home with dog experience, and with someone who has a little patience to work with him to feel comfortable and safe. He can be a little fearful and skittish initially, possibly due to the life he endured as a stray. He will sometimes try to nip or snap when he feels threatened but his foster has figured out what triggers this and can help his new owner avoid any issues. This is something he has outgrown with his foster since he is more comfortable and trusts them, but his new owner should be aware of it. He is SO worth it….he is a wonderful, funny, silly, goofy, little guy! Butterbean is neutered, up to date on vaccinations, and flea meds and already microchipped. Butterbean also comes with a FREE trainer session to help his new owner with any issues AND free dog boarding for life with his current foster mom. She boards dogs at her home and would love to be able to see him when his new owners travel ;-) Butterbean is neutered, up to date on vaccinations, and microchipped. Please fill out an application to meet this sweet boy today! |