Bruno - adopted!
Bruno is a 1.5 year old Rat Terrier/Chihuahua mix. He is tiny but mighty, weighing in at 11 lbs. Bruno was surrendered to the shelter by his former owner. At some point, he must have had some type of neglect or mistreatment, since he can be slow to trust. However, he bonds quickly and wants nothing more than to please his person. He is still shy, but once he settles into his forever home, he will become such a wonderful addition.
Everywhere he goes, people comment on what a beautiful dog he is. His ears point up when excited and pin back when he is on the move, giving him so much personality. He loves going for walks and inspecting the neighborhood, but he is also okay with relaxing most of the day. He can be left home alone without any concern of damage. Watching him during the day on the camera, he pretty much just sleeps. He will let you know when someone is at the door for wonderful security, but he is not a nuisance barker.
Bruno is house trained when everyone is on a schedule and is good about peeing on a pee pad when left too long. He can use a doggy door. Like most dogs, he could use some obedience training to build up his confidence. He can be playfully nippy when he is excited during play, but he is still very young and will most likely outgrow this habit. He has not shown any interest in toys.
He has lived with two other small dogs in a foster environment and gotten along well with them, but he would also really enjoy being the only dog where his own personality can shine, like in his current foster home. We recommend that if he is in a home with kids they be over 10 and are dog savvy. Bruno bonds more readily with females, so he would be an excellent companion for a single lady of any age.
Bruno is neutered, up to date on his vaccinations, and micro-chipped. If you’d like to meet Bruno, please fill out an adoption application and a volunteer will be in touch.
Everywhere he goes, people comment on what a beautiful dog he is. His ears point up when excited and pin back when he is on the move, giving him so much personality. He loves going for walks and inspecting the neighborhood, but he is also okay with relaxing most of the day. He can be left home alone without any concern of damage. Watching him during the day on the camera, he pretty much just sleeps. He will let you know when someone is at the door for wonderful security, but he is not a nuisance barker.
Bruno is house trained when everyone is on a schedule and is good about peeing on a pee pad when left too long. He can use a doggy door. Like most dogs, he could use some obedience training to build up his confidence. He can be playfully nippy when he is excited during play, but he is still very young and will most likely outgrow this habit. He has not shown any interest in toys.
He has lived with two other small dogs in a foster environment and gotten along well with them, but he would also really enjoy being the only dog where his own personality can shine, like in his current foster home. We recommend that if he is in a home with kids they be over 10 and are dog savvy. Bruno bonds more readily with females, so he would be an excellent companion for a single lady of any age.
Bruno is neutered, up to date on his vaccinations, and micro-chipped. If you’d like to meet Bruno, please fill out an adoption application and a volunteer will be in touch.