bee - adopted!
Bee is a 1 year old, female chihuahua mix who weighs about 8 lbs. She is one little bundle of play and a total love bug. She was initially shy but is coming out of her shell with people and dogs. She has lived with small dogs, big dogs, older children, and gotten along with all of them. In fact, she loved the pit bulls in her last home!
Bee is shy at first, but once she warms up to you, she is eager to love and be loved. She walks right up to you and instantly drops down to give you her belly. She is extremely submissive. She loves to play with other dogs and would do best in a home with at least one other dog.
Bee enjoys lying in the sun in the backyard. She is house trained and uses the doggie door. She is completely trustworthy being left home alone, no accidents. A soft bed out of the way us where you’ll find her most of the time.
Noises keep her quick on her toes, but she’ll jump right into your arms/lap if she gets scared. She is otherwise very content and would make the perfect lap or purse dog.
Bee is spayed, up to date on vaccinations, and microchipped. Please fill out an application to meet this sweet girl today!
Bee is shy at first, but once she warms up to you, she is eager to love and be loved. She walks right up to you and instantly drops down to give you her belly. She is extremely submissive. She loves to play with other dogs and would do best in a home with at least one other dog.
Bee enjoys lying in the sun in the backyard. She is house trained and uses the doggie door. She is completely trustworthy being left home alone, no accidents. A soft bed out of the way us where you’ll find her most of the time.
Noises keep her quick on her toes, but she’ll jump right into your arms/lap if she gets scared. She is otherwise very content and would make the perfect lap or purse dog.
Bee is spayed, up to date on vaccinations, and microchipped. Please fill out an application to meet this sweet girl today!