Pele is a female Terrier shepherd mix puppy. She was born in mid-January 2019 and we estimate she will be approximately 25 pounds once fully grown.
This little ball of fire (named after the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes). Pele is a super confident girl, loves toys and wants to collect and horde every single one. She loves to chase and wrestle with her sister Keana. Pele really wants to make friends with the cat of the house who won't give her the time of the day... She is strong willed but very treat motivated so training should go well. Pele already knows how to sit and is doing very good with potty training.
She gives the sweetest kisses and loves to cuddle with her foster mom. Pele would do well with an active family committed in continuing her training.
Complete an application to find out more about Pele and a volunteer will be in touch shortly.
This little ball of fire (named after the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes). Pele is a super confident girl, loves toys and wants to collect and horde every single one. She loves to chase and wrestle with her sister Keana. Pele really wants to make friends with the cat of the house who won't give her the time of the day... She is strong willed but very treat motivated so training should go well. Pele already knows how to sit and is doing very good with potty training.
She gives the sweetest kisses and loves to cuddle with her foster mom. Pele would do well with an active family committed in continuing her training.
Complete an application to find out more about Pele and a volunteer will be in touch shortly.